Monday, 7th April
12:00 – 13:30

Date and time:
Join RSC Member Tony Bray this April to explore the development of our armed services. Britain has had three quite separate armed services for many years – the Navy to fight at sea, the Army to fight on land, and the Air Force to fight in the air. And they have served the country very well – despite limited budgets, and constant pressures for reductions in size and scope.
So it has long interested Tony as to why each of three services has had their own mini versions of the other two services. There must be a logical reason surely … it can’t be just a silly game of one-upmanship to try to prove that any one service is better that the other two?
Tony will explore the development of our armed services in a logical way, and the simplest approach is a chronological one. Starting with the formation of the Royal Navy, followed by the Army, and then the others as they were mustered.
In the limited time available, Tony won’t attempt to record all the detailed developments of any particular service, but instead highlight the key moments when they each ventured outside their recognised place in the scheme of things.
Two developments in particular have dramatically changed warfare – powered flight and armoured fighting vehicles. And I will show how the British played a leading role in thrusting these new weapons into the front line! Be ready for some surprises!
This lecture will not be a recital of bare military facts, but will take you through an unfolding history of our nation, and the threats we have had to confront at different times, and how our armed forces responded.
Be prepared to be introduced to gifted people, visionaries who have sensed the need for a new development and had the energy, charismatic power, and connections to get things done.
What you will experience
Using creative graphics, photos, maps, and video clips, Tony will show you how this development took place. You will also watch some recently-recorded interviews with veterans from the Royal Marines, the Army, and the Royal Air Force Regiment outlining experiences outside what you would normally expect of someone wearing their cap badge.
Be ready for a guided tour of our history with a focus on how each of our three armed services have seen a threat, and then developed a novel solution.
Tony is a regular member of the Army Flying Museum’s team of presenters, having delivered previous talks on the Glider Pilot Regiment, and Air Resupply. He has also given talks to many local history groups who have an aviation or military history connection.
As a ex-soldier, light aircraft, and glider pilot, Tony has practical experience of both the military and aviation. He bring his talks alive with animated presentations and artwork, which enable the audience to really understand what took place, enhanced by having visited many battlefield sites.
Join us
for Supper
The Abercromby Dining Room is open from 5:30 PM prior to each evening lecture. Join fellow members or come with friends and make a night of it. 1-Course supper for £18.