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The Royal Scots Club is managed overall by a group of Trustees who are responsible for keeping the Club going for time immemorial.

Trustees of The Royal Scots Club

Chairman of Trustees is Brigadier George Lowder. Other trustees include Stuart Montgomery, Maj Tony Jones, Kelly Rhodes, Norman Soutar, Maj Gen Robert Bruce and Rob Dickson.

Chairman of the Trustees: Brigadier George Lowder
Rob Dickson
Maj Tony Jones
Stuart Montgomery
Kelly Rhodes
Maj Gen Robert Bruce
Norman Soutar

Board of Directors

Reporting to the Trustees, and responsible for the overall day-to-day operations of the Club is a Board of Directors. They are chaired by Norman Soutar. The other directors are Alasdair Soutar, Jonny Bristow, Lyndsay Snoddon, Guy Richardson, Christian Jetuah, Molly Betram, and Neil Ellis.

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Norman Soutar
Alasdair Soutar
Jonny Bristow
Lyndsay Snoddon
Guy Richardson
Christian Jetuah
Molly Betram
Neil Ellis

Membership Committee

Also reporting to the Trustees, and responsible for membership events and member experience, is the Club Committee. The Committee is drawn from members of the Club. Chaired by Guy Richardson, the current Committee is made up of the following: Cdr Andy Poulton-Watt, Rev Iain May, Dr Howard Moody, Frances Beretta, Bernie Hewitt, Jan McClean, and Wg Cdr Alison M Moodie (retd).

Chairman of the Membership Committee: Guy Richardson
Frances Beretta
Bernie Hewitt
Rev Iain May
Jan McClean
Wg Cdr Alison M Moodie (retd)
Dr Howard Moody
Cdr Andy Poulton-Watt
Dr Allin Groom
Anne Fergusson

Regimental Secretary

Secretary to the Trustees, Board of Directors, and Membership Committee

Lt Col David Jack
 Please contact us to arrange a tour of the Club’s facilities.
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Mothers Day Lunch

Treat your mum to a delicious three-course lunch with tea/coffee in our beautiful Abercromby Dining Room for just £28 per person. Book a table of four and mum eats free.* Tables will be available between 12:00 and 14:00 on Sunday 30th March 2025.  *On

Member only event

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Captain’s Table: April

The Captain’s Table is a monthly Royal Scots Club luncheon where members and their guests can get together and enjoy good food, great conversation and mingle with other members and their guests.

Member only event

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By Land, Sea and Air: The Development of UK Armed Services

Join RSC Member Tony Bray this April to explore the development of our armed services.

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RSC Annual General Meeting

The Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wed 9 Apr 2025 in the Hepburn Suite commencing at 1900.  All Members are welcome to attend and a complimentary curry will be provided for all those attending in person.

Member only event

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Monthy Mess: April

Located in The Underground Bar, the Monthly Mess is a casual evening for Members to connect with one another over drinks and light bites. Attendance is free – food and drinks can be purchased at the bar.

Member only event

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Captain’s Table: May

The Captain’s Table is a monthly Royal Scots Club luncheon where members and their guests can get together and enjoy good food, great conversation and mingle with other members and their guests.

Member only event

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WWII Bombing of Edinburgh: Interactive Luncheon & Exhibition

RSC Members and their guests are invited to join author and ex-senior police officer Tom Wood this May for a World War 2 ‘ration’ luncheon and exhibition in The Royal Scots Club’s Hepburn Suite.

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Captain’s Table: June

The Captain’s Table is a monthly Royal Scots Club luncheon where members and their guests can get together and enjoy good food, great conversation and mingle with other members and their guests.

Member only event

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The Road to Mons Graupius: A Journey Through Roman Scotland

Join Alan Montgomery, Author of The Road to Mons Graupius: A Journey Through Roman Scotland for a Book Signing and Coffee Morning on Sat, 13th Sept.

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